Yarn talk: Yarndale

I have bought a lot of yarn in the last few weeks, most of it at the wonderful Yarndale festival. Luckily for me, Skipton, where the festival was held, is within a couple of hours drive. Even luckier still, I was able to head there for two nights with my Mum’s caravan and a yarn-loving friend. I was very, very pleased to have her with me as navigator and for general reassurance, especially as it was my first ‘solo’ caravan trip. I had a bit of a panic when we reached a particularly interesting archway across the road. You can see a picture of it here. We breathed in, peered in the wing mirrors and drove through very slowly. We made it through without a hitch but I had the return journey in the back of my mind for most of the weekend.


Apart from the thought of driving back through that arch we had a perfect weekend. We were able to visit another friend and her new baby who lives close to Skipton. Her husband treated us to a delicious home cooked meal (and a much needed glass of wine) and on the day of the festival, she acted as a taxi service.

IMG_3618We found our way to the auction market by following the bunting that had been strung along the path. As we approached the building we admired the other wooly decorations.


IMG_3615But of course, there was much, much more to see inside.

IMG_3610I took very few pictures inside the exhibition. I was far too busy, viewing, stroking and buying yarn.

IMG_3607This was one of the more eye-catching pieces of crochet on display. I’m sorry I don’t know whose stall it was on.

IMG_3608I could have taken pictures of ‘The Natural Dye Studio‘s’ stall all afternoon. Their patterns and yarn were absolutely amazing, so brightly coloured and so soft to the touch. I bought a copy of their ‘Desirable Crochet Motifs’ book though goodness knows how I will make use of it. If you want to spend some serious money on some beautiful crochet, you could do a lot worse than to visit their website and buy one of their kits.

My friend and I both spent a ridiculous amount of money (I had been saving up for some time so I don’t feel too guilty).

IMG_3621This was our joint pile of purchases, mine on the right, hers on the left. Anything left of and including the cone of thick, carpet yarn in the middle is hers, including the fabric. We both had things in mind when we bought our yarn. I really shouldn’t need any more projects for at least another year. In order to use up this stash I am going to have to learn some new skills. For example, the fluffy, brown coloured yarn in the bottom right-hand corner came with the most delicate, flowery pattern for an infinity scarf knit on a circular needle. You can see how it is supposed to look here. I bought three different sock yarns, though I have absolutely no idea how to cast-on with four needles. They may become crocheted slippers. I think my favourite purchase of the weekend was the fluffy, rainbow dyed yarn. I specifically wanted something in these colours in order to make a new hat for The Middle Miss as she really has a thing for rainbows at the moment. Apart from some tiny snowflakes, made from the crochet cotton near the top right of the picture, the rainbow hat has been my first project.


I don’t think it will be long before it is finished, though there is a bit of trial and error going on as I decide how big to make it and how to finish it off.

I think that that is about the end of my post about Yarndale. There are lots of other bloggers who have written about it much more definitively than me so if you want to see more, do a bit of googling or maybe start here.

More yarn talk coming soon….

Oh, and I made it back through that archway with centimetres to spare, under the gaze of a group of cyclists and a worried looking motorist heading in the opposite direction. Not. Fun. At. All.

52 weeks of happy 9/52

IMG_6447Predictable really, but hey – who doesn’t get happy when they see blue sky? More please.

IMG_6452My almost finished crochet bag. More pictures at a later date.

IMG_6463Getting some ‘help’ with my yarn. The colours make me happy. The project I was working on made me happy. Getting on with it while Babykins sat next to me made me happy (even if it only lasted for a short while).

IMG_6495A leafless tree bearing oranges? That made me chuckle. I’ll try to post more about this later in the week too.

I hope the ninth week of the year was good to you.

Something New

Hello there, do you want to see the start of something new?

I’ve had this yarn for quite a while now but I’ve been umming and ahhing about what to do with it. To be truthful, I’m still not entirely sure what it’s going to turn into but I’ve found my inspiration here.

So here are is the beginning of a new project:

 I’ve been dying to start playing with colour again, just as I was when I started making crochet baubles back in December.

My White WIP is ongoing and I can’t leave it for too long or the baby it’s intended for will arrive and grow out of it. I’ve only got the sleeves to do, so it won’t take long.

Crocheting garments is a bit of a technical challenge. There is a lot of counting patterns and making sure the size is right. My brain needs a rest from it. I need a project I can work on and watch TV at the same time. Something with a pattern I can repeat again and again like the granny stars I made before Christmas.

I wonder how long it will be before these four little motifs are joined to many others to make something pretty. Watch this space.